Yesterday I received a box of formula samples in the mail. Yes, baby formula. Yes, my *youngest* son is 6. I guess they aren't exactly doing focus marketing.
Anyway, receiving these samples just brought it all back to me. I understand that there is no money to be made in promoting breastfeeding, and all sorts of money to be made in promoting formula feeding. And as a big fan of the free market, I get that. And I'm not debating the formula companies' rights to market the way they do. I just think it's unethical, and I hate that. It's not like they wouldn't have a market if they didn't. I mean, WTF, how much money do they need to make?
So, I wrote "return to Sender" on the box. And in big black magic marker I wrote things like "Breastfeeding promotes growth and minimizes illness", "Human milk for human babies", "Support breastfeeding moms". I also responded to comments on the box: "Motherhood rocks, and so do you" (response: "I sure do, I make my own milk!"). "A free gift of nutrition for you baby...inside" (response: "Yep, unlimited supply free, right inside my body!")
I don't feel like there are many people I can tell about it, because most people I know formula fed. And you know, I don't judge them for it. For some people it probably really was the best decision, and for many of them, they just don't have the support and encouragement that they need. I was pretty much a lone island, following the example of my mom who breastfed both my brother and I (something I consider just short of miraculous, especially in my case considering with me she was a 17 year old mom in 1972...the times were certainly not on her side). For whatever reason it's something I've felt very strongly about since I was a child, and it's something that just makes sense to me. I don't believe everyone has that same sense of "what the hell else would you do?" as I do. And that's cool. It just seems that every effort is made as soon as possible to undermine the chance that moms will make that choice. And I hate that.
I know what I did won't do a damn bit of good, but it made me feel better. Rather than send it back, I may even decide to take the formula out of the box and donate it to a local shelter, since that would probably do more good. I did tell my mom about it. She laughed when I told her what I wrote, and then when I started ranting about it she said (sarcastically) "wow, I guess you feel kind of strongly about that". Haha...yeah, I guess I do.