This Saturday I went to a going away party for our friend, Karen (the one we went to Canada with). She's moving away to California to be closer to her parents. I'm really going to miss her, but I know she'll be back for visits, and she's not too far away to visit as well. The party was great fun...I got to catch up with a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time, eat great Mexican food (it was a pot luck, and I'm friends with a number of great cooks), and drink way too much. I haven't done the latter in a while and probably won't again for a very long while, but it was still a blast.
Sunday Jim and I broke down and tried the new DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) game. We're both into all that geeky fantasy crap, and this game was awesome. We've been into Guild Wars lately, which I still love, but I think this game is better. I expect I'll be sinking some time into that for a while. Last night we even got to play with a couple of buddies from my work. Since many of my coworkers live and work in IL, I don't get that much personal interaction with them, so it was kind of nice. I hope we get to do more of that (if they can put up with my newbie mistakes).
Speaking of work, I found out today that I'm going to be the lead person for the software development of the next release of one of our products. It's a little overwhelming, but when I think about it, it's really a bunch of administrative stuff. Track problem areas so they don't get lost, attend status meetings and report status for myself and my team, and in general make sure nothing is slipping through the cracks. Shouldn't be too hard, right? I've been in this field for going on 9 years(!!!) now, so is should be able to handle this by now.
On a totally different note, I've been pondering my libertarian tendencies and if/how much I agree with the "formal" Libertarian policies(???...that's the wrong word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment). I've seen debate on more than one message board that talks about how a "true" Libertarian believes this or that. In my opinion, if we're going to try to characterize someone based on their beliefs on a whole array of issues, then we might as well forget ever having any sort of "party", because you're never going to get even 2 people to agree on everything, let alone any party large enough to do any kind of good. Another thing that I've seen that really bothers me...and this is probably my former religious background influencing people asking things like, "If I'm a Libertarian, what should I believe about X?" My answer is you should believe whatever you think is right. If you want to ask the formal Libertarian position on something and the reasoning behind it because you're trying to form your opinion about something, that's one thing...I believe healthy growth requires talking things out with others and listening to other opinions. But to ask what you "should" believe really bothers me, because then you're giving up your own thoughts and ideas. This applies to any group; I'm just using Libertarians as an example because I was reading something in
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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