Homegrown Texan

Born and raised in Texas, I've found the home of my heart and soul in the Pacific Northwest. I love trees, cool weather, and rain. I'm a back to basics kind of gal just trying to raise my family and find a bit of time to slow down in this hectic life.

For those who don't know, Michael is ga-ga crazy over weird, funky socks.  If you've been to our house in the last year or so, he very well may have shown off his ducky socks to you (funny green socks with a 3-D duck knitted into the front of them).  I've been on a quest for colorful socks for him, but have found that the selection for boys is so...dreary and boring.  There are plenty of things for girls, but I don't see Michael walking around in daisies or little pink hearts.

Sooo, I finally got around to teaching myself to knit (something I've been wanting to do, anyway).  I knitted a couple of simple treasure bags for the boys and  a dishcloth for myself.  I bought myself a used copy of Sensational Socks, by Charlene Schurch, which I highly recommend to anyone who is inclined to master, or even attempt, the art of sock-making.  I took a 3-hour class at my local yarn store, which I probably didn't need, but thoroughly enjoyed.  And come to think of it, I did learn a cool tip for casting on, and how to make my kitchener stitch look right.  I then furiously knitted a small pair of baby booties for a friend's baby shower.  Then, I set to work on socks for Michael.  He loves green and bright colors, so the yarn was his pick.

The socks have a k3p3 ribbing, and the leg is done in a slipped stitch rib (alternating rows of K3P3 and "K1, sl1 wyib, K1, P1, sl1 wyif, P1").  The foot is basic stockinette.  This is a basic top down, heel flap sock.

The yarn is Cascade Fixations spray-dyed key-lime.

The cuff/leg part turned out a bit large, but other than that I'm happy with the way they turned out.  Next time I'll try knitting that part with a smaller needle.  I did these on size 3 dpns, and the next smallest size I had was 00, so I didn't do that.  My son loves them, so I'm happy.  And, I'm very proud that my kitchener stitch turned out *very* nicely! *pats self on back*

Upon finishing these, Nathan immediately told me to "get out the green yarn and the knitting needles". He picked out a solid bright green for his socks. So now I'm working on those.


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