Nathan (my youngest son) turns 4 today. Happy Birthday, Nathan!
Yesterday he had a very nice birthday celebration during class at his preschool. Jim and I spent the morning with him in his classroom. Nathan and I made pumpkin muffins to share with the class, and the teacher did a (classic Waldorf) Rainbow bridge birthday ceremony for him. I thought the teacher did a nice job of focusing attention on him throughout the day without making the other kids feel ignored. All in all it was very sweet and I think Nathan came away from school that day feeling very special and loved.
*Sweet moment*: Nathan is the youngest and the smallest kid in the class. The other kids seem pretty aware that he is younger and seems less mature than them, but they seem to watch out for him rather than exclude him for it. One particular boy, Winslow, who Nathan has mentioned to me a few times before, said to me, "I'm kind of like Nathan's big brother". And he really is.
Today Nathan picked Chevy's for dinner. Definitely a step up from his pick last year (Sam's...yes, Sam's Club, the warehouse store).
Saturday we're doing our traditional have-everyone-over-and-make-a-meal thing for him. I'm making burritos and appropriate sides. Nathan wants a castle cake, which Jim has volunteered to construct. I'm nervous about this, but we'll see. Nathan's getting an Imaginext castle from us, along with a wooden treasure box (which he's been really wanting). Michael hand knitted him a crown and bought him a snake book at the book fair with his own money. I think Nathan's going to have a nice birthday, which makes me happy. :)
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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